Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oral Presentation Reflection

Firstly, I want to thank my group members: Nan, Hau and Edmund for their contribution to this project. They really helped me a lot and I also have learnt a lot from them. In fact, I used to work on the slides a lot. I often try to put a lot of information on the slides and I haven’t realized that the presentation is about the presenters until I take this course. Also, for the same slide, different ways of delivering can cause different impact. For example, I talked about one slide about the estimated cost of the second solution. In my preparation, I just said that “the cost is… and we only need to recruit 5 more students per year…”. However, Edmund told me it would be better if we say “the cost is… ” and then ask the audience “is it a large sum of money? Nope, actually we can make up from…” I was very impressed by that point.

Anyway, I have to talk about my oral presentation today. In our discussion, we agree to make our slides as few as possible and use more pictures to emphasize our points. So I use many pictures without many words, like the old schedule, the changed schedule and busy YIH canteen. However, I feel that the transition of my slides is not well done. I also think the link between my slides and my speech is not highly connected. (Maybe it is because of my mistake during the presentation).

For the delivery part, I think the mistake during my presentation really affected me a lot. I was supposed to answer Hau’s question and walked to the stage slowly and confidently. However, it turned out to be that I walked to the stage frightenedly. I prepared a lot but it still happened, out of my expectation of course. In fact, I didn’t know what my gestures were because I was very nervous. However, I tried to keep eye contact with the audience after I remembered everything. I didn’t know whether it was effective or not because maybe I looked really stressed and my eye contact were no longer there.

I hope my mistake didn’t affect my group’s presentation too much. I wanted to say that I should have remembered the main points instead of the script and I will try my best to do it next time.


  1. Hi Cosine,

    Don't worry too much about your mistake. I believe in making mistakes and learning from them while we can in school, rather than make them when we are out in society (whom is less forgiving).

    Move on from it and learn from it. You have alot more presentation to make in NUS! At least you learnt something new today! =D

    It was a very good experience working with you for both the peer teaching and the project!

    See you around my friend!

  2. Hey Cosine!

    I think your mistake actually overshadowed the fact that you did quite well in illustrating the points in the presentation.

    I think what's more important is to be able to come back strongly after stumbling and that was you did. So great job there!

    As for the eye contact and gestures, I think you did well enough to sustain my interest. :)

  3. Hi Edmund and Yong Feng,
    Thanks a lot for your encouragement!!

  4. Hi Cosine!
    Dont worry too much. The fact that you managed to recover after that shows your skill to manage panic already. Which is a very essential skill.

    So yes, overall is good, but i think you need to project your voice more. Sometimes, your voice tends to be soft.

    Anyways, good job! see you around. =)

  5. Hi Cosine!
    Thank you for your good presentation!
    Although there is something unhappy during your presentation, you can quickly recover from that bad situation and continue your speech. I think maybe you can practice more to make your speech more fluent and you refer the slides less times.

    Good job! See you around!
    Brooks~ :-)

  6. Thanks for this fine reflection, Cosine! You do a good job reviewing the presentation process. You've also received lots of useful feedback. I especially like it when Edmund says we shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes.

  7. Hi Cosine, to be frank, I did not noticed that you were so nervous!I remembered that you did paused and tried to recall your points. But after all, you were able to engage the audience. I think it might be because you have warm personality by nature:) keep it up!

  8. Hi Cosine,

    I made a lot of mistakes also. No worries you did not really affect the team presentation. Contrary, you managed to response positively during the presentation when you faced troubles. You were strong :D!

  9. Hi Cosine,

    It is really a good attempt for you to speak without scripts! I think you can improve you did quite a good job despite the little hiccups which can be improved with more practice of the contents. =)

    Anyway, just a little suggestion. Maybe when you are talking about the solutions, it may be good to provide the two main points on the screen so it will be easier for the audience to follow.
